Science Consulting Services
RadiaSoft scientists are advancing the state of the art in the simulation and design of high-power particle beams and directed radiation for research facilities, DOE national laboratories, DoD services, laboratories, and prime contractors.
Since our founding in 2013, we’ve modeled and designed many particle accelerator systems, including electron linacs, free-electron lasers, synchrotron radiation generated in electron rings, high-intensity proton synchrotrons, and accumulator rings.
We’ve also worked on defense-directed energy system applications. Some of these include free electron lasers, compact X-ray sources, high-power radar, electromagnetic pulse (EMP) sources, and THz generation.
We have a long history of wrapping legacy science codes in intuitive GUIs, thus bringing scientific computing to the cloud. Our staff has expert experience in system modeling and developing machine learning algorithms.
Learn more about what RadiaSoft can do for you.
GUIs for Code
We develop intuitive browser-based GUIs for open-source, high-performance codes.
Our algorithms and software solutions drive major improvements in accelerator design and research productivity
ML for Science
Our researchers and scientists bring years of experience to design and develop custom machine learning (ML) algorithms.
Whether it’s tracking performance or preempting faulty conditions, ML can help.
Core Capabilities
- Parallel high-performance computing innovation and expertise
- R&D in theoretical analysis, algorithm development, and computational studies to improve particle accelerator performance
- Modeling and design of ion and electron accelerators, associated charged-particle beams, radiation pulses, free-electron lasers, X-ray optics, and the interaction of ultrashort laser pulses and electron beams with plasmas or dielectric structures
- Machine learning expertise and algorithm development
- Software development for directed-energy systems, including free-electron lasers, and compact X-ray sources
- Building intuitive browser-based GUIs
- Customized adaptation of open-source scientific and engineering software for ease of installation, use, and upgrade